Exploring Drawing Techniques and Drawing Materials: From the Ice Age to the present.
Exploring Drawing Techniques and Drawing Materials: From the Ice Age to the present.
The Ice Age cave drawings of Lascaux (France) and Altamira (Spain) made in simple materials of Charcoal and Ochre are to me stunning examples of what can be achieved in the discipline of drawing. These cave drawings show the human drive to express the world around them and inner world of the imagination through drawing. Throughout this project I have taken a journey of the different means of expression and materials that humans have used from that early period to the present. I think that it is vitally important that we retain that sense of touch and tactility that is part of human condition. In education the arts are always under threats from cuts in expenditure, so it is vitality important that children have access to drawing materials. Children start to draw early to articulate their world. Some examples of how drawing is still important. Architects like Richard Rogers and Frank Gehry, their initial concepts started with line drawings. Picasso, Matisse, and Leonardo for example highly valued their drawings. I hope my personal journey will introduce an audience to the endless possibilities of drawing and the materials used will. These materials I have used are reasonably priced and are of good light fast quality. I have included in the sequence one drawing I made pre the project dedicated to the Ice Age Cave Painters. This mixed media work inspired the work that followed during the evolution of the project. The works will follow a loose historical sequence including materials used.
Gerry Gleason Artist 2022-2023.
Supported by ACNI and National Lottery Fund.
NB: This body of work currently being updated over the next 2 weeks