Exploring Drawing Techniques and Drawing Materials: From the Ice Age to the present.
This drawing of Olga is based on Picasso's Neo Classical period. I like when I am learning from a Great Artists work to sometimes translate a painting into a drawing, a different medium. In this case I used a Blue Pitt oil pencil which is more smudge resistant, due to a small amount of oil added to the pigment in the pencil. I personally use fixative sprays outdoors to fix drawings and wear a mask, as I feel fixative can be hard on my the lungs. I would advise following the manufactures precautions for correct use of spray cans. The pose of Olga and the clothes she is wearing, are probably loosely based on early Greek & Roman Frescoes & pottery. Picasso would have been familiar with these periods and images from the Classical History of Art. He visited Rome when he first met Olga. He also visited Pompey in Italy, the site of the volcanic eruption with the archaeological discoveries recently unearthing many Classical Fresco's and mosaics.