Art Works > Exploring Drawing Techniques and Drawing Materials: From the Ice Age to the present.

Jacqueline's Oak. after Picasso. Gleason.
Jacqueline's Oak. after Picasso. Gleason.
Sanguine Pitt oil Pencil on cartridge paper. Gleason
A2 Size.

Jacqueline Roque Picasso was Picasso's 6th Partner & second wife. Jacqueline was Picasso's last and final muse. Inspiring in him a late flowering in old age. Jacqueline has been accused of being over protective of Picasso in his final years, turning family and friends away. But I doubt if she could do that, with out him wanting her to do it. He simply wanted to work up to end, with as few disturbances as possible, which some have said, was particularly hard on his extended family. In this sanguine pencil drawing drawing I have used parallel strokes together to give darker tones and da Vinci's nature studies of plants in this case the acorn. Picasso brought together in his drawings at times, different strands from Art History to serve his own ideas.