Art Works > Global Warming Series. Gerry Gleason. 2021-22. Supported by The Arts Council of N. Ireland (Creative Individuals Recovery Programme Grant).

N.Ireland Troubles. Road To Power Sharing.
Hungry History.1996.
(Dedicated to the memory of the critic Ian Hill).
Gerry Gleason.
acrylic on canvas

Hungry History deals obliquely with the anniversary of the great famine in Ireland, an event that I had not really been taught about as a child and its devastating effects. I wanted the painting through a selection of dates scattered across the picture plane to show that hunger is still with us to this day . When I visited Ellis Island on a visit to N.Y.C. I also became aware of the great influx of immigrants from across Europe at that time who had also suffered
the effects of famine. In all I found it a very moving experience, sometimes events from history can impinge on the present.